Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Images for Hamlet

these images come from films such as On The Water Front a gang related film, also The Resistable Rise of Arturi Ui.

America 1940-50's

after looking at the theme of The Godfather i looked into America in the 1940's and found some useful images.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Old New York

Old New York

I would like to use some things from all of these images and interpret them into my work.

Hamlet Model Box

Here are some ideas for what i could put in my Hamlet Model Box.

At first i was stuck but then an idea came to mind of an old Gangster New York, as the film The Godfather does bear some similarities to Hamlet.

Both Hamlet and The Godfather share some of the same themes throughout. 
Michael Corleone is torn between getting out of the mafia and being stuck there due to his family. 

I would like to use images of Old NewYork as influence on my design.

These images of Gangsters remind of certain characters. For example this middle image reminds me of (L-R) Laertes, Claudius and Polonius.

This could somehow be to do with the army that comes in one of the later scenes in Hamlet.