Sunday, 21 April 2013

The Art of Saving Reefs

Jason DeCaires Taylor

Artist Jason deCaires Taylor is known for sculpting beautiful pieces of art and then lowering them into the ocean–all in the hopes that his creations will eventually serve as homes for marine life, helping to conserve precious coral reefs in the process.

i thought the images was quite moving and in sync with Ophelia as she was has been lowered into the water and set free, this artist is trying to save reefs at the same time i also think Ophelia was saved even though she committed suicide.

Luka Klikovac: Underwater Ink Photography


Luka Klikovac: Underwater Ink Photography

Another underwater photographer but this time focused on colour.

Christy Lee Rogers

After looking into the research on Ophelia i decided to broaden my research field and i found this photographer who specialises in under water shapes made by people and things.

Christy Lee Rogers “Phoenix”

Here is a link to some more amazing images 

Jolene Monheim

Jolene Monheim is and American Photographer born and raised in Montana, she has done a lot of photography over the years but what interested me was her Water and Dancer work, she photographed dancers underwater creating a sense of beauty, harmony and spirituality. She works a lot with power of reflections, suspension and poses and shapes.

Ophelia's Mother

 This image is very moving, it is called Ophelia's mother, i like the colours and movement in the water. Also i like the image showing that her mover is trying to save her or take her to a better place.

There two images are also very interesting, they all came under the Ophelia category.

On the left i love the colours used, it also links to the first image.

On the right the image is almost ophelia dancing under the water now she is free from her madness that has been taunting her.

Ophelia Research

Pinterest Images

We looked into Ophelia in lots of different ways, for example Modern and old. I looked on Pinterest for some research inspiration and found a complete range of different interpretations of Ophelia throughout the decades.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Marie - Jean Lecca

One Wednesday we had the pleasure of having a master class with Marie - Jean Lecca. She told us al about how she got into the line of work she was in, where she was born etc.

Marie - Jean then showed us some of her work and struggles she had along the way, she told us that is can be very hard to relax in the world she is in, she once did a show where she had spent a long time on her costume designs and making and then all of a sudden the actress announced that she was allergic to feathers.

I absolutely love her costume drawings, also i had a look at the work in the Bonnington Gallery and it was amazing, i even love the way she puts the writing on the page.

Music Box

Within our box we wanted to use a music box as the music inside one of these boxes is quite beautiful and delicate however it is also a little bit haunting which we thought would be a good effect to put on the audience who are going to be viewing our piece.

We started off looking at a piece called 'Quite Slumber', but after listening to it several times we came to the decision that is was too lively for the effect we are trying to portray.

We then decided we would look into just traditional music box sound tracks, or better yet actually get a music box to place in the scene we are going to create.

Object & Space

We had a session on 'Objects and space', we were showed how to use objects that wouldn't necessarily make sense and make character with them. We then had to make a timeline of characters related to Hamlet. Starting with your given character, so for us Ophelia, and work down from her getting married and having children showing how we relate items to one another.

Family Tree...

We started off with the looking glass we used earlier on in the suitcase which we thought symbolised Ophelia, using this as her character. As she went mad in the play, and loved Hamlet but did not marry him we chose a plastic dinosaur to symbolise her husband of choice.

For the children we used one Pretty item for example the flowers, which we married to a seagull. As for the other child we did the opposite.

We carried on with the same routine for the Family down the line.

Suitcase Project

Suitcase Project

Right at the start of the project we were given our
tasks on what we had to do and were given our suitcases of choice.

First Ideas...

After we explored our Suitcase we were then given the task of filling our suitcases with our first ideas.

We chose Flowers to show her beauty, the looking glass which also displays beauty.

We put old flowers in here also, showing decay and death as she committed suicide.

In the suitcase there are jars full of water with things floating in it such as a rose covered with blood, this shows how her beauty was compromised by her committing suicide.

We decided to put water and candles in our case as Ophelia committed suicide, this is against her religion yet she was still buried, however in the play there is reference to her 'Straightening in her grave'.

Installation/ Suitcase Project

For the Installation Project we read Hamlet,
we were each given a character to recreate in and around a suitcase. Myself and my group were given the character Ophelia, we started off by doing some research and presenting our ideas to the other groups.