Sunday, 21 April 2013

Jolene Monheim

Jolene Monheim is and American Photographer born and raised in Montana, she has done a lot of photography over the years but what interested me was her Water and Dancer work, she photographed dancers underwater creating a sense of beauty, harmony and spirituality. She works a lot with power of reflections, suspension and poses and shapes.

Ophelia's Mother

 This image is very moving, it is called Ophelia's mother, i like the colours and movement in the water. Also i like the image showing that her mover is trying to save her or take her to a better place.

There two images are also very interesting, they all came under the Ophelia category.

On the left i love the colours used, it also links to the first image.

On the right the image is almost ophelia dancing under the water now she is free from her madness that has been taunting her.

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